You know how sometimes you hear really sad stories- or terrible stories… Maybe your friend tells you about an accident they witnessed on the highway, and the details they share with you totally break your heart? You definitely pray for your friend, and the people involved in the accident- and the families that were affected… But you weren’t there, so that particular experience doesn’t stay with you exactly the same way that it does with your friend who was right there when it happened. Your friend saw with their own two eyes, the suffering and pain that was at the scene of the accident. You can only imagine.. Your friend may have had to react right then and there in certain ways, but you can only imagine what you would have done.
SO, no I’m not expecting any car accidents on the trip! (Well I PRAY there will be none!) But I guess the best way to explain how I feel about the trip, is that all I’ve ever done is read about missions… I’ve talked to missionaries, listened to missionaries, read about missionaries, watched movies or clips of missonaries, even studied missions a little bit here at school… But I myself have never gone to a different culture with the purpose of sharing Christ’s love. My heart breaks all the time when I hear stories from around the world, and I really do get excited about missions- but my eyes haven’t seen the reality of Africa, and I haven’t personally been in any of the situations I’ve read or heard about. This trip is going to change me in ways that reading books and sitting through lectures never will. Not that reading isn’t beneficial and not that school isn’t beneficial- I think that my education is necessary no matter what. But I expect God to change my heart in new ways as my eyes see new things, and as I physically experience new things.
God is everywhere and He is working everywhere. He’s worked in my life here at school this year, and He will work in my life in Africa. Just as I said, my life will be changed in different ways- and I’m really excited to see how. I expect to have lasting impacts on my heart.. I’m expecting it to be hard a lot of the time, but I also know that it’s going to be fun. I’m really excited about meeting the people on the team and working together.
On a side note, I don’t know what we’re going to eat- but I’m preparing myself to expect seeing a chicken or poor little animal get killed and then have to eat it and smile. I don’t know if that will happen but I’m just going to prepare myself for it! haha!!
Thats all I guess for now! 🙂
I just like this picture:) Nothing profound to say about it. Its near one of my favourite places back home to just sit and do nothing:)!
Amy. you make me smile! haha