“Faith that does nothing is worth nothing,” James declares in his short, but marvelous book (chapter 2). South Africa, missions, is my something. God calls everyone to do something, this is what he has called me to do.
For the specifics keep reading >>>
I have always planned on going to college. My parents, lovingly of course, have forced that idea into my brain and I have never rejected it. Cedarville, a wonderful Christian University, has been my choice for years. I intended to attend there this fall, but I will be in South Africa. Rough commute. Anyways, I grew up in a Christian family so God has been a very significant part of my life since the beginning. I thought of how amazing it would be to live in another country as a missionary, but I also thought that living in Cinderella’s castle and stealing price charming would be ideal, so there isn’t much merit in my early dreams.
However, in the last few years, I have been fervently seeking some avenue for my life. I have had so many different plans that were widespread, but always people-oriented. I wanted to help people, somehow. At my friend’s youth retreat, we listened as a few missionaries shared their stories, and they touched my heart. These people helped people in the most essential way. They didn’t save lives, they saved souls. That is what God has called me to do, I felt it then like I feel it now. Later that year, my home church hosted an Impact World Tour event which is basically a showcase of evangelicals with talent. The thought of traveling for the sole purpose of spreading God’s word amazed me again. This is what I needed to do (minus the breaking concrete with my face).
I proceeded to make God’s plan for me fit into my plan for me. I was going to go to college for missions, and I was happy with my decision to do that. Pastor Brian (PB), my youth pastor, mentioned something about a trip to Africa for college-aged students and I thought about it, even researched it a little. I was not qualified for it because I didn’t have any college experience at all yet. So, at first I threw out the idea. Like I said before, I had ALWAYS planned on going to college right after high school. PB got me thinking, but Richie (my brother, kid with the ridiculous fro)
got me moving. After PB said something, I was looking into the prospect, but my little brother is who really convinced me. Richie wondered why I was going to put myself in debt and further away from my goal, the missions field, to learn how to do something that I am already capable of doing. I wondered too. Smart kid that little brother of mine.
I searched further online until someone recommended the AIM organization to me. I found the FYM program to South Africa, and I knew that this is what God wanted me to do. He wants me to go to Africa right now. People are dying; they are desperate for God, and I can show them how to find him.
This is my something.
Dad, I love y o u, and this is why I need to add this side note here: I do plan on going to college when I return, to major in whatever specfic part of ministry that I have grown to love, if that is God’s plan for me. I still think college would be a wonderful experience, but so is going to South Africa in God’s name and I believe that is what He has in store for me now.